- African Violet Study Club, Botanica, 3rd Fri: 1 pm. Visitors welcome.
- American Sewing Guild, www.facebook.com/ASGWichita
- Sunflower Club, 3rd Fri: 9:30 am. Mary 260.1699 or Lou 722.3047.
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby, non-profit bipartisan volunteer group. Darrel, 648.7207. https://www.facebook.com/wichitaCCL?fref=ts
- Cowtown Social Club, Hotel at Old Cowtown Museum, 1865 Museum Blvd. Last Mon: 9:30 am. Info 264.6687.
- Daughters of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, First Presbyterian Church, 501 N. Broadway. 3rd Mon, 1 pm, Pat 636.9454.
- East Wichita Christian Women, Crestview Country Club, 1000 N 127th St E., 4th Thu: 11:30 am. $14, RSVP 682.1495
- Fleet Reserve Assoc & Ladies Aux, Good Shepherd Lutheran, 1451 E 47th S, 2nd Thu: 6 pm, 788.4549.
- Friendship Club, 1900 McCormick, 2nd Fri:10:30 am-noon. Covered dish/program, 264.8133.
- Friendship Force of Kansas, http://www.friendshipforceofkansas.org/contact-us.php.
- Susan Harrington, 775.3072; Jan Blick, 620.6650.6506.
- Golden Age Clubs, Wichita Park & Recreation program:
- Goldenrod, 1340 S Pattie, every Wed: 10 am, 337.9244
- Evergreen, 2700 N Woodland, Every Mon: 10:30 am-noon, 303.8036
- Linwood, 1901 S Kansas, Every Tue: 9 am-3 pm, 337.9191
- McAdams, 1329 E 16th, Every Tue: 12:30-2 pm, 337.9222
- Minisa, 704 W 13th, Every Thur: 9 am-1 pm, 303.8036
- Orchard, 4808 W 9th, Every Thu: 9 am-12:30 pm, 337.9244
- Osage, meets at Linwood, every Mon: 9 am-3:30 pm, 337.9191.
- Haysville Genealogy Group, Community Library, lower level, 2nd Sat: 2 pm meeting. Bev Miller 529.4285.
- IAM District Lodge 70 Retirees, 3830 S Meridian. Last Thu: noon lunch; 1 pm program, 522.1591.
- Inventors Association of South-Central Kansas, NCAT/WATC, 4004 N Webb Rd. 4th Mon: 6:30 pm. John 393.5553.
- J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth), 2151 W Dora, 50 & older, every Thu: 10 am-1 pm companionship, special programs, bingo, covered dish 50¢ & flower donations; 4th Thu: birthdays/anniversaries. 264.0571.
- Kansas Art Guild, Wichita Center for the Arts, 9112 E Central, 1st Tue: 1 pm Demonstration or lecture. 943.4747.
Kansas Writers Assoc., Seeks interested/compatible participants, amateur or established writers. Meets every 3rd Saturday, 1:30 – 4:00 PM, Rockwell Library, 5939 E. 9th St., Wichita.
- Kansas Authors Club, District 5, meets 2nd Sat: 1:30-3:30 pm. Larksfield Place, 7373 E. 29th Street N, Wichita. Ray 734.7813.
www.kansasauthors.org - Kansas Knife Collectors, 3219 W Central, 1st Thu: 7 pm. Bill Davis 838.0540.
- Kansas Gas Service Retirees, Spears, 4323 W Maple, Last Fri: Noon, meeting, 944.8773.
- Keystone High Twelve, Kansas Masonic Home, 402 E Martinson, every Mon: 11:30 am, fellowship, lunch, program. Jim Pipkin 721.5568.
- Knife & Fork Club, Bank of America Bldg, 100 N Broadway, 9th Floor. One Mon per month, dinner, speaker, 832.0517.
- Korean Veterans, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 2nd Wed: 11 am. Howard Runft 265.3414.
- Marine Corps League, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 3rd Tue: 6:30 pm social; 7 pm mtg. Former Marines & FMF Corpsmen welcome. Tom Huxtable 721.0307.
- Melodears, rehearsal every Thu: 10-11:30 am, St Paul UMC, 13th & Broadway. Edna 945.9146.
- Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N Main, 264-3611, open Tue & Sat, 9 am-4 pm.
- Military Officers Association of America, one Sun a month at Rolling Hills CC. 11:30 am lunch, meeting, program. LeRoy 788-4366 or Terry 686.6174.
- Military Order of the Purple Heart, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S. Geo Washington Blvd, 1st Sat: 10 am. Tom 650.1328 or 558.8059.
- Motivator Singles Group, Central Community Church, K-Chapel, 6100 W Maple, lunch or refreshments, monthly meeting, 1 pm. Nora 943.9766.
- National Active & Retired Federal Employee Association, local 138, odd months, 3rd Wed: 11:30-1:30 Ourrs Cafeteria, 1606 Georgetown. Call Gary, 316-461-2974, or email gesst@prodigy.net
- NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 3rd Wed odd-numbered months, 11 am-2 pm, Golden Corral East, Kellogg and Webb. Sylvia 239.1270.
- Needle Arts Guild of Wichita, College Hill UMC, 2930 E 1st, Every Thu: 10 am-3 pm. 733.2095.
- Northeast Sr Citizen Club, 2121 E 21st, 1st & 3rd Wed 10:30 am, programs, trips, fellowship. 269.4444.
- North Wichita Optimists, Spears, 4323 Maple, Every Wed: 7 am, breakfast, speaker. www.facebook.com/northwoc
- Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers & Singers, 210 E 2nd, El Dorado Senior Center, 1st Sun: doors open at noon, music starts 1:30 pm. Meat, provided; bring covered dish or dessert to share, $3. 755.1060.
- Phyllis Wheatley Sr Fellowship, 1005 N Mathewson, 1st & 3rd Thu: 11:30 am-2 pm. 612.0944.
- Postal Retirees & Former Postal Employees, Even months, 1st Wed: 9:30 am, Village Inn, 1685 S Rock Rd. Jan Cragun, 682.9674 or Jan Pickering, 683.0160.
- Retired Teamsters Local #795, last Sun of month, 1pm, lunch/mtg. Location varies: Bill 620.545.7451.
- River City Decorative Artists, 3rd Tue: 6:30-9 pm. Society of Decorative Painters, 393 N McLean Blvd. Dee 265.7644.
- River City Ladies, 4th Tue: time, location varies. Cards, outings, spring luncheon. Karen Holden 264.3615.
- Scandinavian Society of Wichita, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm. www.scandinaviansocietywichita.org.
- SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SBA office, 220 W. Douglas, Ste 450. 1st Thu: 11:30 am, program, meeting, lunch. Visitors welcome, call for reservation 269.6273.
- Sierra Club, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th N, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm, pizza, salad (bring service); program 7:30 pm. davidkirkbride@knea.org
- Silver Streak, 2110 W 45th, 2nd Tue: 10 am-2 pm, Mtg/dinner/entertainment, RSVP Velma Compton 201.6071.
- Singles Dinner Night, First, third and fifth Thu: 6:30 pm, location varies. Also other events. 942.5117.
- Single Seniors, Downtown Sr Ctr. Every Tue: 10:30 am-noon, 2nd Tue: Eat Out. 3rd Tue: Games. Arlene 524.8726.
- Society of Military Widows, 1st Sat: 11:30 am, location varies. Marilyn 990.7320.
Sons of Confederate Veterans, Rockwell Branch Library, 5939 E 9th. 2nd Thu: 5:30 p.m.. Kevin 620.276.9275. - Sons of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, Last Thu, 7 pm, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S Geo Washington Blvd. Bill 722.9387
- Sr. Tennis League, year-round schedule. Ron 838.7833 or Andy 689.0522.
- Sunflower Horseshoe, Linwood Park. Info Bill 683.9428 or James 264.2663.
- Telephone Pioneers, Location varies, 2nd Thu: 11:30 am. Arnetta 265.7542.
- TROW (The Retired Officers Wives), 3rd Fri. Location varies. Wives of all services. 788.8830.
- Tyler Roadrunners, 571 S Tyler, 3rd Thu: noon. Covered dish, 722.4511.
University Club, Bank of America Bldg, 9th floor, 100 N Broadway, one Thu a month:
6 pm dinner, speaker, 832.0517. - VFW Post 971, Newton, 3rd Mon: 7:30 pm, 1610 SE 3rd St. 283.1717.
- West Heights UMC Adults Plus, 745 N Westlink, 3rd Tue: 10:45 am-1 pm, program/covered dish. RSVP 722.3805.
- West Side Christian Senior Fellowship, 1819 W Douglas, 3rd Wed, lunch/fellowship, RSVP by previous Mon. 263.5269.
- West Side UMC Golden Agers, 1313 W Lydia, 1st Fri: noon. Fellowship, covered dish, bring service. 264.6605.
- West Wichita Christian Women, Rolling Hills CC, 223 Westlink, 4th Fri: 9:15-11:30 am. Brunch cost $12. Reservations: Peggy, 838-6547, or Jeanne, 524-4236. (Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24 meetings will be at First Mennonite Brethren Church, 8000 W. 21st.)
- Wichita Amateur Radio (WARC), Red Cross Building, 1900 E. Douglas Ave. 6:30 pm meeting. See website for dates: www.warc1.org.
- Wichita Association of Retired School Personnel, 2nd Fri of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct & Dec. at Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. Luncheon, program. Reservations 721.3125.
- Wichita Audubon Society, 3rd Tue: 7 pm, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th. www.wichitaaudubon.org
- Wichita Coin Club, Westside Baptist Church, 304 S. Seneca, 2nd Thu: 7 pm. 943.1832, camon@sbcglobal.net. Please park and enter in back.
- Wichita Duplicate Bridge, info@wichitaduplicate.org, www.wichitaduplicate.org.
- Wichita Genealogical Society, www.wichitagensoc.org
- Wichita Postcard Club, www.facebook.com/WichitaPostcardClub
- Wichita PrimeTimers, social organization for mature gay and bi-sexual males; 10-noon social activities monthly. ictprimetimers@aol.com, chapters.theprimetimersww.com/wichita/