Down, ready, set . . . volunteer!

By Tim Marlar  | October 31, 2019

Tim Marlar

It is fall and football season is in full swing. Have you heard the NFL has
a new promotion?
In honor of its
100th season, it is inviting coaches, players and fans to take part in Huddle for 100. You do this by donating 100 minutes of your time in a way that helps your community.

This is a tremendous opportunity to leverage a group of individuals who at this time may not be engaged in a service activity. I know many readers of this paper have already exceeded the 100 minutes of volunteering, for which I am sure your community is very appreciative. If you are like me and have more control of your time, I would ask you to consider getting involved in something you are passionate about. You can do this by the following a simple three-step process.

Step one: Find an activity or charity that you are truly passionate about. We have all been called into action for a cause that was good but did not light our fire. Make sure it is a cause in your sweet spot. While you’re putting in the 100 minutes, doing it will feel like play. 

Step two: Reach out to the organization, letting them know what your strengths and passion are. You would be surprised how appreciative the organization will be you stepped up to the plate.  

Step 3: Go to work/play! See what it is that you can add that will make the project/organization better than you found it. You may just find you will want to go beyond the 100 minutes. 

The bottom line is after the 100 minutes you will reflect back on the project with a smile and the satisfaction of knowing your effort was worthwhile.

One of the ways we on the active age board lean into our organization is by providing 60 minutes or more each quarter giving advisory guidance to the staff who put this excellent newspaper together. Many of us also take the opportunity to donate regularly to the operations of the paper to ensure that it will be part of our community for the next 100 years. If you would like to help by donating, chances are you’ll wind up with another big smile knowing you are making a difference.  

Tim Marlar is a Newton resident and board member of the active age. He can be reached at
