Is The Active Age a bit old-fashioned? No doubt about it

By Joe Stumpe | July 31, 2024

 As you might have noticed, The Active Age is in some ways an old-fashioned newspaper.

For one thing, we still print and distribute many copies each month (about 57,000!) at a time when many publications are going online exclusively.

Another way in which we are traditional is by keeping our editorial and advertising sides separate. Advertisers do not influence our editorial content. That is determined solely by what we think readers will enjoy and benefit from.

However — and this is a big however — we do sincerely appreciate our advertisers. They provide about 70 percent of our operating revenue each year. Generous reader donations and a grant from the Central Plains Area on Aging make up the rest.

So, please patronize the advertisers that appear throughout our paper when you can. And, if you’re so inclined, let them know you saw their ad in The Active Age. That may help them decide to keep advertising in The Active Age, which will help us keep bringing you The Active Age.

 Six years and counting

It’s hard for me to believe, but this month marks my sixth anniversary as editor of The Active Age. 

Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun. When I took over from my predecessor, Fran Kentling, I really had no idea how much I would come to enjoy this job.

There are many people to thank for that. First, the other members of our staff: Tammara Fogle, our office manager, keeper of the classified ads and newspaper layout person par excellence; Teresa Schmied, our director of advertising, bank of institutional knowledge and head cheerleader; and Dave Gear, our part-time salesman who brings a wealth of nonprofit experience to the office. I also get to work with many talented freelance writers and photographers as well as colleagues throughout Wichita’s journalism industry.

There’s our board of directors, who volunteer their time, knowledge and encouragement. Another group of volunteers helps us mail out donation requests and thank-you letters, contribute editorial content and otherwise help this small nonprofit stay afloat.

I mentioned our advertisers, donors and CPAAA above. They are the three-legged foundation upon which The Active Age stands.

Most of all, I want to thank our readers. The Active Age is your newspaper. In December, it will be 45 years old — still a young whippersnapper, and hopefully one with many more years ahead of it.

Contact Joe at
