June quiz: Sound-alike phrases

By Tammara Fogle | May 30, 2023

To complete these word puzzles, fill in the blanks with two words or phrases that sound the same but have different meanings. The answers appear  on page 26.

1. An avian mascot of a cereal was bullied. He decided to take revenge. “_______” play at this game?” said the ______.

2. A woman was doing the _________ in the newspaper. After pondering the clue an “aggravated reply” for a minute, she concluded the answer was a __________.

3.Henry was becoming self-conscious about his thinning hair. He went into a shop that sold men’s hairpieces. After trying a few on, he went up to the counter ______ for the ______ he had selected.

4. Dee was feeling kind of low. She always felt better when she did housework, like ironing. So _________ ___________.

5.The monarch exercised vigorously one day. It had been a while since he had, so the next day he really felt it. It was a case of ______ ______.

6. A group of bicyclists were thrilled that the weather was finally warm enough to wear their spring clothes. So that day the _____________ wore their _____________.

7. The squirrel found two treats on the ground. He couldn’t decide which to eat first, the _____ or ______ on the cob.

8. The comedian Leno was down because of his two recent accidents. So he went out onto the back porch to sit and enjoy nature since that always seemed to lift his spirits. Before long, ________’s mood was lightened when he saw a _______.

Answers for June Quiz:

1. Two can, toucan

2. Crossword, cross word

3. To pay, toupee

4. Depressed, Dee pressed

5. A king, aching

6. Pedal pushers, pedal pushers

7. Acorn, a corn

8. Blue Jay, blue jay





Answers for June Quiz:

1. Two can, toucan

2. Crossword, cross word

3. To pay, toupee

4. Depressed, Dee pressed

5. A king, aching

6. Pedal pushers, pedal pushers

7. Acorn, a corn

8. Blue Jay, blue jay
