This time of year, the staff and board of The Active Age have plenty to be thankful for.
We’re thankful for our readers and donors. Readers are, simply put, why we do what we do. Donors provide around 20 percent of our operating budget, so you can imagine how crucial that is.
We’re thankful for our advertisers, who believe in our ability to reach the largest print audience in Kansas.
We’re thankful for our volunteers, who put in hours of unpaid service each month and enliven our office when they’re around. We’re thankful for our writers and copy editors, some of whom also donate their services. We’re thankful for Valley Printing Logistics, which prints our paper each month, and the U.S. Post Office, which delivers it (even though our rates keep going up!).
In this season of gratitude, it never hurts to say it once more: Thank you!
Joe Stumpe