Use these clues to name popular snack foods. The answers appear below.
1. What company laid out one of the greatest dares in advertising when they said, “Betcha can’t eat just one”?
2. In hot competition with Peter Pan and Skippy, Grey Advertising remembered that mothers know best, coming up with the slogan, “Choosy moms choose _________”?
3. What snack originated in Peru and Mexico over 7,000 years ago, but now comes in a variety of flavors, including caramel?
4. What candy bar created an American earworm when they used the catchy jingle, “Gimme a break, gimme a break, gimme a piece of that _____________”?
5. What best-selling cookie was actually a copycat product of Hydrox cookies, which debuted in 1908?
6. What crunchy party mix was actually made at home (using a recipe off a cereal box) for over 30 years before Ralston Purina packaged it commercially in 1985?
7. The most popular flavors of which snack are Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese?
8. What coconut candy bar suggests that “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t”?
9. What Wrigley’s chewing gum was advertised by twins and promised to “Double Your Fun”?
10. According to HubScore, what marshmallowy treat is considered to be the most popular snack in the U.S.?
11. What multicolored candy invites you to “Taste the Rainbow?”
12. What is the official potato chip of the NBA, famously known to have “Rrridges?
1. Frito Lay
2. Jif
3. Popcorn
4. Kit Kat Bar
5. Oreo Cookies
6. Chex Mix
7. Dorito’s
8. Mounds/Almond Joy
9. Doublemint Gum
10. Rice Krispy Treats
11. Skittles
12. Ruffles