Riverfest kicks off discounted button sale

By Tammara Fogle | April 19, 2022

Wichita Festivals has kicked off sales of discounted Riverfest buttons.

During the early-bird sales period, April 18-May 5, buttons are available for $10 for adults and $5 for children at Meineke Car Care Centers in Wichita (925 E. Central Ave., 2344 S. Seneca St., 1810 W. 21st St., 3430 N. Woodlawn St. and 660 N. Webb Rd.), Derby (1910 N. Nelson Dr.) and Hutchinson (1223 E 30th Ave.).

Starting May 5, full-price buttons ($15 for adults and $5 for children) will be available at area QuikTrip stores. Admission for kids five and younger is free. The Wichita Festivals office at 444 E. William also carries buttons during the early-bird and full-price sales periods.

Riverfest, the state’s largest community event, will take place June 3-June 11.
