Save money and maybe yourself with AARP Driver Course

By Diana Breit Wolfe | May 1, 2024

Diana Breit Wolfe

Last month, I attended the AARP Smart Driver Course. I’ve been driving Wichita streets and U.S. highways for 66 years, since I was 14. But I was still impressed with how much new stuff there is to learn about our roads, signs and car safety. The husband-and-wife volunteer presenters —Tom and Brenda Gibson — keep the class interesting and enjoyable.  

You don’t have to be a member of AARP to attend, but you will save yourself five bucks if you are. The cost is $25 for non-members and $20 for members. Bringing your AARP membership card with you makes registering go smoother.

What I especially like is that by taking this class, I will save myself some car insurance cost. I checked with my insurance agent, and I will save about $35 a year for three years on my car insurance. That’s a savings of $105 for my $20 investment. 

Tom and Brenda Gibson lead the AARP Smart Driver Course.

Tom and Brenda will have a class on Wednesday, May 15. You sign up at 10 a.m., and the class is from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., including a break for lunch. This will be held at the Downtown Senior Center, 200 S. Walnut. Call (316) 267-0197 to make your reservation. Their next class after that is Tuesday, June 17. It will be held at the same times at the Derby Senior Center, 611 N. Mulberry Rd. Call (316) 788-0223 to make a reservation.

In class, you will receive a 120-page Smart Driver Guidebook. It is packed with illustrations, quizzes (with answers in the back) and resources that will keep you busy reading and learning for weeks to come. What a deal — you learn something save money, too.

This AARP Smart Driver Course is the kind of opportunity you can find information about in every issue of The Active Age. If you’d like to help us keep the community informed about all the resources available to seniors, please consider a donation to The Active Age.

   Now buckle up and stay off your phone while driving!

  Diana Breit Wolfe is treasurer of  The Active Age’s board of directors. She can be reached at  
